Manitoba Crop Report

May 19, 2021

This week's crop report lists total seeding progress in Manitoba at 76 per cent complete, on par with the four year average.

Warmer conditions towards the end of last week have spurred seeding of more frost-sensitive crops, with large numbers of canola and soybean crops planted.

Lack of rainfall has many farmers concerned for germination and timely emergence, since seedbed conditions are rapidly drying. Dry topsoil has drifted in some locales, filling in seed row furrows or moving off edges of fields.

Extremely windy and dusty conditions have implications for herbicide efficacy and on-target application.

Hay and pasture growth continues to be delayed, usually attributed to ongoing overnight frosts from early last week. Lack of moisture for new growth is of increasing concern.

Soil moisture maps continue to show much of Manitoba farmland in the broad “optimal” range, based on volumetric moisture content, as a function of the soil texture. Seedbed soil moisture is dry to very dry in all of agro-Manitoba, and may be higher at depths.

The Canadian Drought Monitor has classified much of agro-Manitoba in a severe to extreme drought, as of April 30, 2021.

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