Ontario farmers have been growing strawberries for more than 50 years, and during each harvest more than 15-million pounds of strawberries are grown. Farmers are proud to bring them to the tables of Ontarians across the province. These recipes will go over great with family and friends this summer. Find more recipes, or strawberry growers near you, at ontarioberries.com.
And did you know that Ontario is home to a number of greenhouses that also produce fresh Ontario berries which extends the ‘local strawberry season’ even longer. Year-round indoor production of Ontario strawberries means we have access to fresh, healthy and delicious Ontario strawberries year-round!
The OFA’s Home Grown project aims to raise awareness of the importance of preserving Ontario farmland for the production of food, fuel, flowers and fibre. It’s a key issue for the province; based on data from the last Census of Agriculture, Ontario is losing an average of 175 acres of productive farmland to urban development every day. This is a worrisome decline for what is arguably the province’s most essential natural resource — the arable land with which we feed people.
Source : OFA.Ca