The second thing we know would happen is we would have a 72 hour stop movement.
We move almost a million pigs a day and so stopping for three days we can handle.
But we want to make sure we have that consistency between states that movements can continue safely once we've identified where the disease is and look at how to make sure we can move in the non-diseased areas.
There is a North American Swine Health Working Group that meets under the direction of the Chief Veterinary Officers from Canada, United States and Mexico.One of the main priorities of that working group is to say how do we look at the North American industry?
How can we be confident of trade between the industries?
We're very pleased.We understand that Canada has accepted that the protection zone in Puerto Rico is an appropriate protection zone.Getting pigs from Canada happens every day and sending pork from the U.S. back into Canada happens every day and we need to do whatever we can to keep that moving freely.
Dr. Wagstrom says preventing African Swine Fever is the number one priority and preparedness and response is what we need in our back pocket in case of an outbreak.
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