Stockyard Delivery Locations
Currently, the five CME-approved live cattle delivery locations in Nebraska are: Burwell, Kearney, Lexington, Ogallala and West Point. Weekly total live cattle delivery is 360 CME LC contracts, or 23% of the total CME-approved live delivery weekly capacity. The Texas/Oklahoma/New Mexico fed cattle region has the highest rated weekly capacity at 720 LC contracts, or 45% of total industry weekly capacity. Approved CME live cattle delivery locations do change periodically. For example, Columbus, Neb., and North Platte, Neb., were previously CME-approved live delivery locations that are no longer currently approved. The most current listing of approved locations can be found here at CME and are displayed in Table 1.
Historical live cattle delivery patterns in Nebraska
Live and carcass deliveries have seasonal fluctuations. Delivery primarily occurs in the month the CME LC contract expires (i.e. February, June, August, October, December). Delivery occurs most frequently in February, June and October. Most of the total deliveries between 2011-2017 occurred in Fall of 2012, Spring of 2013, and Fall of 2015. Deliveries have also become rarer in recent years. Of the total 1,913 completed deliveries, 56% were delivered live compared to 44% delivered on a carcass-basis. In February 2021, we saw one of the highest levels of delivery activity since 2012 which caused a large amount of market movement.
There are also regional differences. Nebraska and Texas/Oklahoma/New Mexico prefer carcass deliveries, while Iowa/Minnesota/South Dakota are even, and Kansas is largely delivered on a live basis. These regional differences reflect that longs have preferences for the type of delivery given where cattle are committed to be delivered.
Summary and industry implications
There are several strengths and weaknesses to the current stockyard delivery system. Some of the strengths include producers being able to be actively involved in the convergent, having a process that is understood by experienced feeders and risk managers and delivery specifications that detail exactly how cattle delivery will occur. Weaknesses surrounding this method include delivery capacity, constraints and the logistics being cumbersome and costly, with both delivery and carcass grading. Whether the industry continues to use the actual delivery mechanism in the future is likely driven by industry use and perception of effectiveness when used.
Table 1. Comparing Live and Carcass Delivery Occurrences and Locations Between Nebraska and Other Live Cattle Delivery Regions
Location | Daily Rated Delivery | Blackout Days | Weekly Rated Delivery | Number of Stockyard Locations | Total LC Futures Contracts Settled by Physical Delivery Between 2011-2017 |
| | | | | Live | Carcass | Total |
Nebraska | | | | | | | |
Burwell, NEa | 30 | TH,F | 90 | 1 | 67 | 64 | 131 |
Kearney, NEb | 15 | TU,W | 45 | 1 | 43 | 6 | 49 |
Lexington, NEc | 20 | TH,F | 60 | 1 | 10 | 0 | 10 |
Ogallala, NE | 25 | W,TH | 75 | 1 | 10 | 0 | 10 |
West Point, NE | 30 | M,TH | 90 | 1 | 0 | 33 | 33 |
| | | | | | | |
Region Totals | | | | | | | |
Nebraska | 120 | - | 360 | 5 | 103 | 130 | 223 |
TX/OK/NM | 180 | - | 720 | 5 | 127 | 206 | 333 |
Kansas | 65 | - | 260 | 2 | 433 | 83 | 516 |
Colorado | 25 | - | 70 | 2 | 47 | 10 | 57 |
IA/MN/SD | 60 | - | 180 | 1 | 369 | 405 | 774 |
Total US | 450 | - | 1590 | 15 | 1079 | 834 | 1913 |
Note: aRepresents data from Norfolk, NE; bRepresents data from Columbus, NE; cRepresents data from North Platte, NE.
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