Joint release for Ontario grain stakeholders: No trade concerns with new soy and corn protection products available in 2024

Feb 02, 2024

Ottawa ON – Following a rigorous review of export market requirements and residue potential when used according to the label, the joint Market Access Committee for corn and soybeans has concluded that the risk of any crop protection product residue-related trade disruption is acceptable for one new corn product and two new soybean products available in 2024. With 70 per cent of Ontario soybeans exported along with a significant amount of corn, maintaining market access, and preventing risk is important to get the most value for Ontario grown corn and soybeans.

The Market Access Committee for corn and soybeans was established by Grain Farmers of Ontario and Soy Canada to prevent market access issues by meeting requirements for pesticide residues and to facilitate predictable commercialization of crop protection products. This forum allows for the value chain, which includes the crop protection registrants, producer organizations, ag-retailers, grain originators, processors, and exporters to evaluate the residue profile of new pesticides and discuss potential trade implications prior to market launch. The Ontario Agri Business Association is a member of the Committee and a partner in bringing together the Ontario grain value chain to achieve the Committee’s goals.

The approach used by the Committee follows the “Market Acceptance of Pesticide Use Policy” developed by the grain value chain under the auspices of the Canada Grains Council and adopted by other commodity associations in Canada. More information on this policy and evaluation framework is available here. In brief, the Maximum Residues Limits (MRLs) of crop protection products are evaluated by the Committee against requirements in key export markets – a MRL is the maximum amount of a crop protection product permitted in grain and is determined by the importing country. Product use information such as application rates, timing of application, and relevant residue data are considered as part of the assessment, along with risk management strategies as necessary.

For corn, one product slated for market launch in 2024 was assessed. For soybeans, two products were evaluated. The active ingredients for these products and the resulting Pest Control Product (PCP) numbers assigned by Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) are provided in Table 1.

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