If you are interested in volunteering to set up and monitor traps for corn rootworm or would like additional information, send an email to bugtraps@iastate.edu by June 19, 2024. Please include your contact information and mailing address in the email. As part of the Iowa corn rootworm monitoring network, we will provide enough traps for each cooperator to monitor one transect (four traps) for four weeks. Free traps will be provided for 50 locations in 2024.
Traps and a protocol will be mailed to you in late June or early July. It can take over a month for the emergence of adult corn rootworms to be complete, depending on degree day accumulation, but we will aim to capture peak emergence through our network. Trapping will likely begin during the second week of July.
If a cooperator is interested in continuing to monitor after the four weeks are up or wants to place more traps in their field, or if our free traps run out, additional traps may be purchased from several retailers. Details on where to purchase sticky traps can be found on the Corn Rootworm IPM website. To learn more about the Regional Corn Rootworm Monitoring Network and corn rootworm, visit our website.
Regional network
For the fourth year, we have partnered with extension, government, and industry personnel in several U.S. states and Canadian provinces to synchronize our data collection efforts and provide a regional perspective on corn rootworm activity. Part of this partnership allows for our cooperators to enter their data into an online database called Survey123. This will be a web-based data entry system that cooperators can use for free without creating an account. It will allow cooperators the autonomy of entering their own data, and the data will be used for live mapping of reports that will be publicly available on a webpage.
More information on Survey123 will be provided via email in late June, and you can opt in at that time. If you participated in the trapping network in the past, the data entry protocol is similar, and you will be able to reuse those sites. Cooperators will not be obligated to use the application to enter data; people will still be able to email their trap captures to bugtraps@iastate.edu, which will be kept for our use only or we could enter the data online for you if you wish.
How can this help farmers?
Aside from providing data to us, we hope these traps can provide the volunteer valuable insight for their field or a client’s field and that this information can be used by farmers, crop consultants, and agronomists who make management decisions. High adult activity may be concerning and indicate issues for the following growing season. It should be noted that four traps per field is a small sample and will not completely represent adult activity in that field. Implementing multiple transects is ideal for understanding adult density, so use caution when making management decisions based on a single transect.
Source : iastate.edu