International CIGI Durum Program Visits The Southwest

Sep 01, 2015
Participant in this week’s International CIGI Durum Program were in Southwest Saskatchewan yesterday.
The group met with a Durum Breeder, Farmer, Hutterite Colony and talked with representatives at SWT in Gull Lake who explained more about the grain handling sector.
Luciana Polignone is an Executive Officer with Candeal Commercio, a Durum Wheat Mill in Southern Italy.
She says they prefer to use Canadian Durum and will buy anywhere  from 50 to 60 thousand tonnes a year to mixed off with the Italian crop
"It depends on the crop and the market but usually we buy 2, 3, 4 or sometimes even one. It depends on the price, of course, and the proteing content," she said. "The main issue for us is the protein content."
She adds that they prefer to use Canadian Durum in their blends.
Source : Discoverestevan