Manitoba Agriculture reports, with recent rainfall events, precipitation accumulation in most areas of the province has exceeded 140 percent of normal since May 1.Manitoba Agriculture released its weekly crop report Tuesday.Dennis Lange, a pulse and soybean specialist with Manitoba Agriculture and editor of the provincial crop report, says Agro-Manitoba received variable amounts of precipitation over the past eight days including isolated heavy rains and storms in several regions.
Quote-Dennis Lange-Manitoba Agriculture:
We'll start off with some of the weather because that seems to be what everybody's talking about right now.Precipitation over the last eight days ranged from 10 millimeters up to almost 100 millimeters.The southwest, central and eastern regions accumulated the most precipitation between June 24th and July 1st.
Winkler actually had 99.7 millimeters.
They did receive the most and in that area you can definitely see some standing water in the fields, especially in the areas further south.In the central and eastern and Interlake definitely there's some standing water in the fields so that part of it, we're adequate moisture wise.Areas out west aren't as bad.
Northwest is a little bit better.