By Lyndi Allen
IL Corn Advocates for Agriculture in Springfield
As the 2025 legislative session begins, IL Corn continues to highlight the importance of agriculture and biofuels with lawmakers. Our policy team is there at the state capital every day working to advocate for agriculture and ensure that lawmakers consider how their decisions impact the ag economy and rural communities.
Governor Pritzker’s FY26 Budget Proposal
Last week, Governor JB Pritzker addressed a joint session of the Illinois General Assembly to provide his FY26 budget proposal and highlight his priorities for the state this year. While the $55.2 billion budget proposal is larger than last year’s budget, the governor does not call for any tax increases on Illinoisians. This is the Governor’s seventh balanced budget proposal. The Governor’s proposed budget calls for increased funding for schools and pension contributions, while keeping spending flat in most other areas. With tax revenue projections less than in years past, the proposal kicks off debate on what is sure to be a difficult budget year in the General Assembly.
Legislative Leadership Remains Unchanged
Legislative leaders in the House and Senate remain the same. In the Senate, Don Harmon was reelected to his fourth term as Senate President while Senator John Curran was reelected to his second term as Republican Leader. Meanwhile, in the House, Emmanuel "Chris" Welch was reelected to his third term as Speaker. Representative Tony McCombie was reelected to her second term as Republican Leader. Both chambers remain under firm veto-proof Democratic majorities. The party makeup remains the same for the new General Assembly (78 Democrats/40 Republicans in the House and 40 Democrats/19 Republicans in the Senate). President Harmon and Speaker Welch control the agenda, committee assignments, and overall direction of their respective chambers.
IL Corn's 2025 Legislative Priorities
Through advocacy and political outreach, IL Corn has worked hard to build relationships with the Governor and legislative leaders in the Senate and House. As the 2025 legislative session moves forward, IL corn will pursue the following priorities:
Estate Tax Relief for Farm Families
Promote Renewable Fuels in Transportation
Building on Conservation Efforts
Protect Ag Funding
Support Livestock Initiatives
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