How do you think B.C. should protect its farmland?

Sep 20, 2019
The province kicked off more than a month of public meetings on Thursday to hear how people want to encourage farming and protect farmland.
Ronna-Rae Leonard, the MLA for Courtenay-Comox who chairs the select standing committee on agriculture, fish and food, will host the first meeting with the Agricultural Land Commission on Sept. 19, in Merville on Vancouver Island.
The Ministry of Agriculture will also host five other sessions, with the commission, in Delta (Oct. 1), Dawson Creek (Oct. 2), Prince George (Oct. 3), Kelowna (Oct. 10) and Castlegar (Oct. 30).
According to a news release, the meetings will discuss recent government changes meant to strengthen the commission and the Agricultural Land Reserve.
Attendees are also encouraged to talk about how to support farmers and ranchers to expand and diversify their business, to help new or young farmers become established, and to ensure flexibility for residential options.
Regulations came into force on Feb. 22 to address mega-mansions and property speculation by limiting primary residence size on ALR lands, and allowing the commission to approve additional residences if they are for farm use.
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