Harvest close to half done in North West region

Sep 19, 2022

Nearing the middle of September, producers in the North West region, including the Battlefords and Meadow Lake area, are reporting they have close to half their crop harvested now.

Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture crops extension specialist, Matthew Struthers, said the area is sitting at 47 per cent in the bin.

“That’s up from 28 per cent last week, and actually it’s well ahead of their five-year average of 27 per cent,” he said. “They started a little bit slow there, just due to the weather they were having. But now that it’s dried out and the crops have dried down they have made quick work of it.”

While there were a few challenges in parts, farmers are making the best of it. The expert said some of the grain is coming off a bit damp or tough, due to excess moisture. But producers are putting it in their dryers and aeration bins so they are able to store it properly.

Crop grades are looking good overall in the region. Yields are also strong where fields had sufficient rains in the growing period this year.

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