Grain Farmers of Ontario Congratulates Provincial Government and Glacier FarmMedia on Discovery Farm Woodstock Project

Sep 16, 2020

Guelph, ON – Grain Farmers of Ontario, the province’s largest commodity organization, representing Ontario’s 28,000 barley, corn, oat, soybean and wheat farmers today congratulate Glacier FarmMedia, the Ontario government and Ontario Minister for Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA), Ernie Hardeman, on yesterday’s announcement of a land agreement that will allow for the establishment of Discovery Farm Woodstock.
Glacier FarmMedia is proposing a centre for sustainability and soil health education and advancement that will allow classrooms, government, farm organizations and more, the opportunity to join together in helping people understand Ontario’s vital agriculture centre and the farming practices that allow Ontario to deliver healthy, safe, nutritious grains and other agri-food and products across the province, the country, and the world.
“The divide between agriculture and our suburban and urban customers and consumers continues to grow, and there is a real opportunity to engage with youth to answer their questions about Ontario’s food system, including grain farming. We are excited at the prospect of a Discovery Farm Woodstock and how Grain Farmers of Ontario could be a partner in this project,” said Crosby Devitt, CEO of Grain Farmers of Ontario.
Grain Farmers of Ontario continues to work with Glacier FarmMedia to explore how a discovery farm could be used to educate students, teachers, government, parents, and others on grain farming in this province.

Source : GFO
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