Grain Farmers of Ontario Congratulates Ontario Government for New Investment in Ontario Risk Management Program

Jan 28, 2025

Guelph, ON – – Grain Farmers of Ontario, the province’s largest commodity organization, representing Ontario’s 28,000 barley, corn, oat, soybean, and wheat farmers, welcomes news from the Ontario government and Ontario Ministry of Agriculture Food, and Agribusiness (OMAFA) that $100 million will be added to the Ontario Risk Management Program (RMP) and the Self-Directed Risk Management Program (SDRM) over the next three years.

The organization especially thanks Premier Doug Ford, Minister Rob Flack (OMAFA), and Minister Peter Bethlenfalvy (Finance).

“The Government of Ontario understands that agriculture is the best investment for Ontario and this additional support for risk programs underscores that. Agriculture is the foundation of society and one of the core pillars of our economy – providing one in eight jobs in Canada and grain farming generating more then $4 billion in production value,” says Jeff Harrison, Chair, Grain Farmers of Ontario.

“When times get tough – whether it’s the prices and markets, the weather, the costs of business, or tightening of regulations – grain farmers try to solve the problem by working harder, by growing more, by making sure that the farm can sustain for another year. That’s the type of business you want to support,” continues Harrison.

Grain Farmers of Ontario, along with other non-supply managed farm groups including Ontario Pork, Ontario Fruit & Vegetable Growers, Beef Farmers of Ontario, Veal Farmers of Ontario, and Ontario Sheep Farmers, has consistently been asking the government for a $100 million increase to RMP.

“The grain industry is dedicated to the success of this province and its people/communities and committed to keeping our farms thriving and producing food. It is great to see our government recognize that and work with Grain Farmers of Ontario and our partners over the past few years to achieve this success,” says Crosby Devitt, CEO, Grain Farmers of Ontario. “When it comes to the mechanics and importance of a well working and properly funded RMP, we have been there since the beginning.”

The RMP and SDRM are cost-shared insurance programs designed to provide stability to Ontario’s farms through partial financial protection against downturns in commodity markets and factors outside of farmers’ control. Raising the RMP by $100 million will not only encourage $224 million in new economic activity but help Ontario’s grain farmers manage risk on-farm, strengthen domestic food security, and keep us competitive with our US counterparts.

Source : GFO
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