In the No. 1 production state of Iowa, corn planting jumped 26 points on the week to 39% complete as of Sunday, ahead of 24% last year and 28% on average. The Illinois corn crop was 25% planted, up from 11% a week earlier and on par with the state average but 9 points behind last year. Progress in Indiana was more limited, with corn planting advancing just 6 points on the week to 8% done, behind 17% last year and 13% on average.
The Michigan corn crop was 4% planted as of Sunday, up from 1% a week earlier and 1 point behind average, while Ohio was right on the state average at 6% complete, versus 0% the previous week. The North Dakota corn crop was 6% planted, 4 points ahead of average.
Soybean planting in Illinois gained 15 points from a week earlier to 26% complete as of Sunday, ahead of 18% on average, while Iowa was 13 points ahead of average at 25% complete, up from just 8% a week earlier. The Indiana soybean crop was 8% planted, compared to 2% a week earlier and 9% on average.
The Michigan and Ohio soybean crops were both 7% planted as of Sunday, both a single point ahead of the state average. No soybean planting was yet reported in North Dakota.
Across the country, 7% of the US corn crop had emerged as of Sunday, a gain of 4 points on the week and ahead of 5% last year and 4% on average.
According to World Weather Inc., eastern sections of Oklahoma and Texas into Missouri, west-central, and central Illinois received up to 5 inches of rain with local amounts of 6 to more than 9 inches for the three-day period ending this morning.
With more rain on the way, World Weather said there may be limited opportunity for further planting over the next week to 10 days.
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