Former U.S. Presidential Speech Writer Says NAFTA Renegotiations Need To Happen In Good Faith

Feb 15, 2018
Farmers got some great insight into NAFTA and the current U.S. administration this week at the CropConnect Conference in Winnipeg.
One of the keynote speakers was David Frum, senior editor for The Atlantic and former speech writer for U.S. President George W. Bush.
Frum talked about how he sees the NAFTA renegotiations playing out.
"I see nothing much happening, which is a good thing, while Donald Trump is president," he commented. "NAFTA was written before there was an Internet. Eventually, this document from the 1990's has to be brought into the 21st century era. But that is work that should be done in the spirit of friendship and goodwill between sides, all of whom agree and want to make this thing work better and people who take each others interests seriously."
Source : Steinbachonline