The year 2021 marked the peak of this trend for barbed wire with the highest annual increase over 32%. For fence posts the peak was in 2023 with a 29% annual increase. In April 2024, the prices decreased for barbed wire by over 2% compared to January 2024, while there was a slight increase in prices for fence posts.
In 2023, Alberta imported more than 337 tons of barbed wire, showing a significant increase of over 173% compared to 2022. China and Mexico are the main suppliers of barbed wire imports to Alberta.
During 2022-23, the estimated cost to install a 4-strand barbed wire fence in Saskatchewan was $7,391.80/mile, covering material, equipment and labour expenses. Manitoba’s Beef Cow-Calf Production Cost for 2023 showed a similar cost of $7,444/mile. Of this total, 65% accounts for materials, 20% for equipment, and 15% for labour. Additionally, annual maintenance costs are approximately 2% of the initial investment, totaling $149/mile.
“Factors affecting fencing costs include barbed wire coating, numbers of strands, wire thickness, tensile strength, numbers of barbs, fence post types, terrain, slope and land shape. Barbed wire, primarily made of steel, is sensitive to steel price fluctuations. High demand for steel drives up steel prices, directly affecting barbed wire prices,” explains Nikzad.
For the first time in a long while, the cattle industry shows promise of expansion due to record-high prices and improved profitability. It is important to mention the loss of pastureland over the past 2 decades. According to the 2021 Census of Agriculture, there was a 5% decline in tame or seeded pasture compared to 2001, along with a 7% increase in croplands.
“Less pastureland suggests less need for fencing, and some fences around land previously in pasture may have fallen into disrepair. The state of the fences can be a critical factor influencing a producer’s decisions on cow herd expansion or even entry into the business. Barbed wire fences remain essential infrastructure on Alberta’s farms and ranches,” says Nikzad.
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