By Erin Laborie
For cattle producers that are set up to feed calves in a bunk, limit-feeding a high energy diet may be a cost-effective option for growing calves this fall and winter. While limit-feeding is not a new concept, current forage prices relative to grain/co-products may make it an attractive alternative to feeding high roughage growing diets. For instance, hay priced at $200/ton with a total digestible nutrients (TDN) value of 52% equates to approximately $0.22 per pound of TDN. However, $4.80/bu corn (88% TDN) and wet distillers grains priced at $75/ton (108% TDN) each come out to about $0.11 per pound of TDN.
Research at Kansas State University has looked at limit-feeding calves a high energy diet at 2.2% of body weight compared to a full-fed high roughage diet (2.8% of body weight) for a 90 day backgrounding period. Both diets included 40% wet corn gluten feed (dry matter basis) and varying amounts of corn, alfalfa, prairie hay, and a supplement. Stockers limit fed the high energy diet were more efficient and gained 2.5 lb/d whereas stockers full-fed the high-roughage diet gained 2.9 lb/d. Backgrounding system had little to no effect on finishing performance or carcass characteristics.
Advantages of Limit Fed, High Energy Diets