Longueuil - The Union des producteurs agricoles (UPA) is asking the next government to extend access to temporary foreign workers (TFWs) to all production sectors, to share working time with each other, to accept the quick and easy transfer of employers during the season and to ease the administrative burden for long-time employers.
Farmers still prioritize the hiring of local workers, but it is impossible to fill all vacant positions. The use of temporary foreign workers is essential to continue to secure our food future , said UPA President Marcel Groleau.
The labor shortage is very high in agriculture. According to a Conference Board of Canada study, one in 12 jobs was vacant in 2014, compared to one in 36 in all other sectors. The gap between labor supply and demand, for its part, would widen even more over the next few years. This situation explains why the use of TFWs increased by 113% between 2011 (7,316) and 2018 (15,559).
The shortage affects virtually all production sectors, but many such as maple syrup and grain are not eligible for TFW agricultural programs. Smaller farms also need workers, but are not always able to offer full-time jobs. The twinning of two employers or the association of several farmers in a labor cooperative would allow for the completion of the working time of one or more TFWs.