Farm Tours, Networking Opportunities Highlight Kentuckiana Dairy Exchange

Jul 17, 2015

By Aspen Deno
Dairy producers from Indiana and Kentucky will have an opportunity to tour some of the area’s most innovative dairy farms and discuss key industry trends at the Kentuckiana Dairy Exchange.
The event is schedued for July 28-29 in southwest Indiana.
Dairy cows eating
Sponsors are Purdue Extension, in cooperation with Indiana Dairy Producers and the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension service.
Tour stops are:
* Rauscher Dairy: a freestall dairy operation with 200 Holsteins.
* Obert Dairy Farm: an 800-cow, sixth-generation dairy farm with new facilities built in 2010.
* Rexing Dairy Farm: a 1,250-cow Holstein dairy farm built on a new greenfield site with an agritourism business.
* Koester Dairy: a 200-cow dairy operation with a new automatic milking system and freestall barn, grain farm and milk hauling.
The event begins at 1 p.m. July 28 with registration at the Dubois County 4-H Fairgrounds, 4157 S. state Route 162, Huntingburg, followed by tours of the Rauscher and Obert dairy farms. A dinner and evening program will be held at the Vanderburgh County Fairgrounds, 201 E. Boonville-New Harmony Road, in Darmstadt.
Tours of the Rexing and Koester dairy farms will be held on July 29, starting at 8 a.m. Lunch will be provided at the Koester farm.
Registration deadline is July 21. Cost is $75 for Indiana Dairy Producers members or participants from member farms, $50 for students and $175 for non-IDP members.

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