“From production to sale, students also work on their customer service and business operation skills,” said Troy. “The program is unique to Ontario and addresses the significant demand for skilled meat cutters and butchers across Canada.”
Graduates of the program receive excellent employment opportunities upon completion due to the scope and detail of the course. The program’s content is approximately 75 percent hands-on practical learning, delivered through lab work and live training at the on-site retail market.
“This market features a fresh meat counter where items like Ontario pork is served and the meat counter is fully run and managed by the students, giving them real-world retail experience,” said Troy.
Fanshawe’s London Downtown Campusboasts a state-of-the-art facility using the latest equipment. Troy says with a focus on specific skills in trimming, deboning, butchery, and meat processing, this program is training the next generation of employees that will soon be in your neighbourhood retail store or butcher shop.
“Meat cutting is a unique, specialized and highly in-demand trade that offers plenty of job opportunities upon graduating, it’s a great career and there’s a demand.”
Source : Ontario Pork