Enlist Herbicide Re-registration: Quick Facts

Enlist Herbicide Re-registration: Quick Facts
Jan 20, 2022

By Dwight Lingenfelter and John Wallace

Just when you think you have most of the details for the upcoming growing season figured out, new information about certain herbicide labels continues to change. On January 11, 2022, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) completed the registration amendment process for Enlist One and Enlist Duo herbicides from Corteva. Many of the updates are related to mitigation of negative impacts on endangered species. Some initial use updates of these products follow.

  • One of the major changes surrounds Enlist One or Duo application timing to the crop. Application timing to soybean will be from after soybean emergence through the R1 growth stage (beginning flowering). It originally was through R2 (full flowering) but now it is similar to glufosinate (Liberty) and dicamba application timing. A main reason for this timing change is to protect pollinators such as honeybees.
  • Another application parameter deals with potential herbicide runoff if soils are too wet. Therefore, no applications are permitted if rainfall is expected within 48 hours or when soils are fully saturated. In addition, land managers can use a "pick list" of runoff mitigation measures that allow for more flexibility to not only better suit the situation but also reduce concentrations of 2,4-D and glyphosate that might runoff and cause negative effects to surrounding areas.
  • More than 100 new spray nozzles have been tested and added to the qualified nozzle list. Refer to the Enlist website for more detail on what nozzles can be used for either Enlist One or Enlist Duo.
  • Some of the more shocking news is related to the prohibition of Enlist Duo in certain Pennsylvania counties. Enlist Duo cannot be applied in the following Pennsylvania counties ― Adams, Berks, Chester, Cumberland, Lancaster, Lebanon, and York. However, Enlist One can currently be applied to Enlist E3 soybean anywhere in PA and does not have any application restrictions by county in the state. Also, glyphosate can be tank-mixed with Enlist One in these settings.

Source : psu.edu