An analysis of data from the Higher Education Statistics Agency reveals that botany, once a compulsory component of many university biology degrees and school programs, is " practically non-existent in the UK."
Between 2007 and 2019, just one student graduated in the botanical sciences for every 185 students from the other bioscience disciplines.
In schools, the biology curriculum has focused on the energy flows through plant communities, plant reproduction and plant anatomy with little time given to ecology and no time to developing plant identifications skills.
Seb Stroud, a Ph.D. researcher in the Hassell Lab based in the School of Biology at the University of Leeds and lead author in the study, says that "the result of the decline in botany education is a reduced awareness of plants among the public and professionals alike."
"The result of that is that we are seeing environmental projects that are not just ineffective but adding to environmental problems. Harnessed properly, there is no doubt that plants could provide solutions to the looming climate and ecological crises of the 21st Century."
"We ignore the opportunities presented to us by the botanical world at our own peril."
The paper cites examples of where a shortage of basic botany skills is hampering environmental improvements, such as the inappropriate planting of trees on peatbogs which can result in increased CO2 emissions by damaging these delicate habitats. Also, there have been various incidents of valuable wildflower meadows being threatened by careless tree planting or management.
The Scottish Government has highlighted the lack of a skilled workforce to implement nature-based solutions and argue that "nature literacy" must become a core skill for various professionals from planners, engineers, architects and educators as much as it does to farmers, foresters and fishermen.
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