Fall cereal crops yielded above 10-year averages as winter wheat averaged 46 bushels per acre and fall rye averaged 52 bushels per acre province-wide. Average spring-seeded cereal crop yields were 46 bushels per acre for hard red spring wheat, 52 bushels per acre for other spring wheat varieties, 33 bushels per acre for durum, 63 bushels per acre for barley, 79 bushels per acre for oats and 1,340 pounds per acre for canary seed. Flax was the only oilseed crop to yield higher than the 10-year average with an average of 23 bushels per acre across the province. Mustard crops yielded 837 pounds per acre and canola yields averaged 33 bushels per acre across Saskatchewan. Finally, average yields for all legume crops were above the 10-year average. Average field pea yields were 36 bushels per acre, 30 bushels per acre for soybean crops, 1,306 pounds per acre for lentils and 1,319 pounds per acre for chickpea crops.
Most high-acreage crops in Saskatchewan graded in the top two categories, indicating good overall crop quality. Canola graded at 89 per cent 1 CAN and nine per cent 2 CAN. Sixty per cent of Saskatchewan's hard red spring wheat graded in the 1 CW category while another 31 per cent graded in the 2 CW category. Lentil and field pea grades are very similar as 43 per cent of field peas and 40 per cent of lentils fall in the 1 CAN grade. Additionally, 50 per cent of lentil and field pea crops are rated as 2 CAN. There are quality variations between different regions as environmental conditions play a major role in crop quality.
All producers were busy combining this fall and some were also seeding fall cereal crops. Despite relatively strong winter wheat and fall rye yields this year, seeded acres for each of these crops fell by approximately three per cent this fall.
This year's average silage yield for the province is 6.37 tons per acre, which is lower than the seven tons per acre reported last year. The east-central and southern regions experienced above-average yields while average yields in west-central and northern regions were below the provincial average. Livestock producers are happy to see hay yields higher this year than they were last year. On dryland acres, alfalfa averaged 1.78 tons per acre, brome hay averaged 1.79 tons per acre and green feed averaged 2.25 tons per acre. Under irrigation, yields for alfalfa were 3.36 tons per acre, 3.25 tons per acre for brome hay and 3.57 tons per acre for greenfeed. Most producers in the province reported good to excellent hay quality in their first cut. Some producers got a second hay cut and they reported good to excellent quality. Hay prices vary throughout Saskatchewan, but the average price of alfalfa is 134.16 dollars per ton, 120.70 dollars per ton for brome and 126.25 dollars per ton for greenfeed. Straw and standing hay are cheaper as average prices are 51.05 dollars per ton and 57 dollars per ton, respectively.
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