Corn Harvest 2018

Sep 17, 2018
Silage corn harvest is complete or very near complete. Grain harvest has begun this week already, but what is already done has likely been for high moisture grain. Some corn is testing in the high teens and will begin immediately, if not already.
This growing season has created some concerns with harvest and the potential struggles with uneven stands, therefore uneven moisture and poor ear development. It has been a good year to explore options into the livestock market since hay production was decreased in the dry conditions. High moisture corn (HMC) is a good feed option for livestock. It is harvested at 24 - 33% moisture to ensure optimal storage conditions and fermentation. Cattle enjoy it as a supplement in their feed, and grain producers like it because it is harvested early and relieves dry grain harvest a little bit by spreading it out into September. If a producer is interested in this marketing option, it is imperative that they have a guaranteed sale of the product before harvesting. 
Some corn producers may have been approached to sell their grain crop for silage, which is an excellent option for both parties. The struggle in this scenario is agreeing upon a selling price, which is usually derived from yield estimates in the appropriate field and current corn pricing. Yield estimates can be achieved very easily with just a bit of time counting ears and kernels in several areas of the field. Here is a useful link for yield estimates in grain corn
Another option for livestock producers to gain supplemental feed is to purchase corn stover from a harvested grain corn crop. This will be economical, but a lower quality feed because there will be no grain and the plant will not ferment because it is dry. Estimating value on corn stover is a little bit tricky, however it can be done. If someone you know is interested in doing this, please call the MCGA or email for more information.
Source : Manitoba Corn Growers Association
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