By Lorena Lopez
The corn earworm (Helicoverpa zea, Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), a significant pest known for its broad host range, has been reported infesting various strawberry fields in North Carolina and Virginia this week. This pest, typically found in corn and tomatoes, can cause extensive damage to strawberries, affecting the fruit quality and yield.
Because the earworms feed directly on the fruit, contact insecticides are not likely to control them. Systemic insecticide options are the best option to remediate these outbreaks, such as Coragen (chlorantraniliprole) or Harvanta (cyclaniliprole). Two insecticide applications scheduled one week apart are enough to mitigate infestation. Some formulations of Bt-based insecticides are approved to control corn earworms in organically-grown strawberries.
The Tarnished plant bug also also known as Lygus bug (Lygus lineolaris, Hemiptera: Lygaeidae, is the eastern US species) has also been reported in various strawberry farms in North Carolina. This pest usually infest strawberries during the last weeks of harvest in early June. However, moderate to severe infestations have been observed 2-3 weeks early this year.