The Director of Swine Health with Manitoba Pork credits a coordinated response from all pork sectors stakeholders for the elimination of PED from the province. Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea affects pigs at all stages of development but it is particularly devastating to piglets from seven to ten days of age, resulting in mortality rates of over 95 percent.
The latest major outbreak in Manitoba began in October 2021 and peaked in January of 2022 resulting in 129 farms infected, predominantly in the high-risk southeastern region.Jenelle Hamblin, the Director of Swine Health with Manitoba Pork, says Manitoba Agriculture and Manitoba Pork led the response and the entire sector was involved.
Quote-Jenelle Hamblin-Manitoba Pork:
From the overall disease response, I would suggest it was quite successful.We managed to eliminate the disease fully and the 2021-2022 outbreak was declared over in late 2023, eliminating all cases of PED on farm in Manitoba.To me that's a great measure of success.