Collaboration Key To Honey Bee Health

Oct 29, 2014
The Honey Bee Health Coalition recently released a roadmap aimed at improving honey bee health.
The Bee Healthy Roadmap places an emphasis on collaboration and focuses on hive management, forage and nutrition, crop pest management, and cross industry collaboration.
Facilitator Julie Shapiro says honey bees play an important role in the food system.
"Honey bees support billions of dollars annually in North American and global agriculture," she said. "As pollinators of many of the foods we eat, unacceptable declines in honey bee health can put food supplies and healthy diets at risk."
Shapiro notes the use of pesticides is one of the factors they're looking at when it comes to the decline in the bee population.
The Honey Bee Health Coalition is comprised of over 30 organizations and agencies from across food, agriculture, government and conservation.
Click here to view the Bee Healthy Roadmap