The latest ‘Coffee Shop Talks’ event hosted by Sask. Wheat took place Nov. 1 at the Sportsman’s Centre in Moose Jaw, allowing local agriculture producers the chance to speak directly with industry experts, voice their concerns, and receive immediate feedback.
The event proved to be popular with around 80 people in attendance, and Moose Jaw witnessed the largest iteration of the workshop so far.
“We’re excited that we had a good turnout,” said Montana Getty, communication and events coordinator with the Sask. Wheat Development Commission (Sask. Wheat). “We’re only hoping they get bigger from here on out.”
The recent event trialled a new format in response to feedback from two earlier talks in March 2023. At these earlier events, the talk was set up in a classroom style and saw a panel of five or six people provide information at the front of the room. After around 45 minutes, the format changed to one-on-one conversations.