Car order fulfillment is also up with those numbers reestablishing from the cold weather.
"For grain shipment week 28 for those orders confirmed and planned, we supplied over 90% of those orders either within the want week requested or within one to three days at the end of the want week."
"So the way to think about that, it's a Sunday to Saturday want week, so if you catch it on a Sunday versus a Saturday, it wasn't in the want week requested, it just fell outside. But that's your 90% plus, so we expect those numbers to strengthen here as we are on the tail end of the recovery from the extreme cold."
Przednoweck says that for the extreme cold and the Colorado low that came in during week 27, it's taken the rails some time to get back into form but they're now back on track.
He feels that their network is ready for the spring and summer seasons.
"CN's network velocity, that is the average number of cars, average number of miles per day that a car can travel has fully recovered here after the impacts of the extreme cold and we do expect that to maintain here if we do have good operating conditions through the month. We look forward to seeing what happens as we get into March and into the balance of the crop year."
Source : Pembinavalley online