Feeder heifers likewise only saw a single category being traded, also the 701-800 category. Average available prices were at $313.17, falling by $11.33 per cwt from the week prior.
The Canfax price for Alberta fed steers for the week ending May 17 was $260.28 per cwt, a small price increase of $0.17 per cwt over the previous week.
Looking at slaughter prices in Manitoba D1-D2 cows averaged $168.50 per cwt, D3's averaged $14.50 per cwt, and slaughter bull prices ended the week with an average price of $208
Alberta D2 cows were up $0.81 per cwt for an average of $185.58 per cwt, while D3's averaged of $169.29 per cwt.
Source : Pembinavalley online