Manitoba AG EX is on this week in Brandon.
The event is the province's largest all-breeds cattle show.
Dallas Johnson is co-chair for the event.
"Our numbers are down a fair bit but the harvest hasn't cooperated and we're a week early which hurts our numbers and we don't have any national shows here this year and national shows are a big draw for people to come so that costs you a number of entries. We're still around 400 head of cattle."
Johnson says last year the show attracted over 600 head of cattle.
He commented on the state of the cattle industry.
"Calf prices can always be better but getting enough feed is a challenge this year in certain areas. It's feast or famine kind of thing. Right now the big calf run is on so hopefully guys make out well with their calves. It's like anything else, unless you can afford to keep them, you have to sell them and you make the best of it."