The discussion at each location will offer insights into the host producer’s experience with virtual fencing with both cattle and small ruminants. Other discussion topics include weed management, multispecies grazing, potential applications for virtual fence, and other technologies in the grazing world. Speakers include the host producers, a representative from NoFence, the virtual fencing company used by these producers, and Iowa State University extension specialists.
The first pasture walk is Sept. 10 from 5 to 7 p.m., and will be hosted by Brice Hundling at 11879 Birch Ave, Breda. His operation utilizes virtual fence collars on both sheep and cattle. Brice will share how utilizing the collars has expanded the opportunities to graze corn residue for their operation. Supper will be provided onsite for program attendees.
The second pasture walk is Sept. 11, from 10 a.m. to noon, and will be hosted by Daniel Faidley at 7128 52nd Ave W, Colfax. He uses virtual fence on goats grazing for vegetation management, and as a cattle producer will share his insight on weighing the cost and benefits virtual fence may provide. The Jasper County Cattlemen will be onsite grilling a hamburger meal for lunch.
Both field days are free. RSVPs are encouraged by Sept. 9 to help with meal planning. To RSVP for the Breda location, call the Carroll County extension office at 712-792-2364. To RSVP for the Colfax location, call the Jasper County extension office at 641-792-6433. Or, for either location email the Iowa Beef Center. See the event flyer.
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