Canola Council Spreads Trade Awareness

Jul 27, 2015
The Canola Council of Canada wants you to share how canola impacts your life through their new Twitter campaign, #CanolaCountry.
With buzz about the Trans-Pacific Partnership ramping up, the campaign aims to show how the canola industry and its exports affect real people. Whether you're a grower, a processor, an exporter, or even if you simply live near a canola field, all you have to do is tweet a photo of your involvement with the tag, #CanolaCountry.
"With more than 90 per cent of what we produce in Canada exported as seed, oil, or meal, trade such a pivotal part of what makes canola the cash crop for Canadian farmers," say Brian Innes, Vice President of Government Relations for the Canola Council of Canada. "This campaign is a way for growers and the canola community and the general public to see what an impact canola has on the country, and also to find out some information about how canola would benefit from an ambitious Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement."
Currently, canola contributes about $19 billion to the Canadian economy every year and supports a quarter million jobs.
Source : PortageOnline
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