The General Manager of Manitoba Pork suggests representative of the Canadian and U.S. pork sectors need to be working together when it comes to communicating with governments and with consumers. An article circulated through Manitoba newspapers and posted to Manitoba Pork's website discusses the importance of efforts to strengthen international relations among those involved in farming and the groups that represent them.
Cam Dahl, the General Manager of Manitoba Pork, suggests relationships matter and the issues faced by producers are the same whether they're raising pigs in Minnesota and Iowa or in Manitoba.
Clip-Cam Dahl-Manitoba Pork:
I think a starting point is that integration of the market and how important it is to farmers on both sides of the border and that animals and product and feed and supplements and medicine, all of those kinds of things that are so important to all of us, that they flow freely across the Canada-U.S. border.
There are pressures on that and so we need to be approaching our governments to make sure that that integration of our markets is preserved.
That's a starting point.