Canadian food Industry's green leap - Introducing CANZA

Oct 12, 2023

Today, Canada witnesses the birth of the Canadian Alliance for Net-Zero Agri-food (CANZA), a pioneering venture dedicated to reshaping the future of the nation’s food system. The alliance is committed to the colossal task of cutting down 150 megatonnes of greenhouse gas emissions from the agri-food sector by 2050.

At the heart of CANZA's strategy are cutting-edge technologies and transformative policies promoting sustainability. These include climate-smart agriculture and a robust biodigester network, targeting a substantial slash in emissions.

The alliance, endorsed by powerhouses like RBC and Maple Leaf Foods, is a testament to the industry's unified front against climate change. “Farmers have been embracing climate-smart agricultural practices for decades... Our bank is proud to support CANZA and its focused mission to shift from strategy to action on our net-zero transition,” asserts Dave McKay of RBC.

Concurrently, Maple Leaf Foods’ Michael H. McCain shares, "As the first carbon-neutral major food company in the world, we're setting an example of what's possible when dedication meets innovation."

CANZA stands as a beacon of cooperative effort, bridging the gap between today’s practices and a more sustainable tomorrow. It serves as a rallying call for stakeholders in the agri-food ecosystem to join hands for a greener, more prosperous future. Through CANZA, Canada is not just envisioning change but actively sowing the seeds for a sustainable legacy in the global agri-food landscape.

Source : wisconsinagconnection