Canadian Ag Literacy Month Teaches Kids About Farming

Mar 25, 2019

March is Canadian Agriculture Literacy Month.

This year over 160 farmers and ag reps volunteered for the program, which was delivered to about 7,800 Grade 2-6 students in 360 classrooms across the province.

Melissa Friesen is an Altona-area farmer and volunteer with Agriculture in the Classroom Manitoba.

She gave a 60-minute presentation this week for grade 2 students at Ecole Elmwood School in Altona.

"It's always great to see the kids so engaged and so interested in farming," said Friesen. "You never know how much the students will know or have been exposed to farming, so this year was great. We had a lot of kids that were familiar with farming. Some years there's only two or three in a class that even have ever met a farmer or know anything about a farm."

The theme this year was "What's in Your Lunchbox?".

Source : Steinbachonline
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