Canada Canola and Pork Councils Continue to Negotiate with China

Nov 04, 2019

Is Canada's relationship with China starting to thaw?
There's word this week from both the Canola Growers Association and the Canadian Pork Council, that face to face meetings were recently held with officials in China.
Earlier this year, China banned the import of canola seed from Canada, and later beef and pork. To this point, efforts to meet with Chinese officials to try and resolve the issues, have failed.
But Brian Innes with the Canola Council told agriculture reporter Neil Billinger, recent talks went well.
"There was face to face discussions between the two governments. This follows Canada's request from September for China to come to the table and explain why the measures they were taking were consistent with the WTO obligations. So essentially, the discussions were about how China is respecting or not respecting the obligations to take any measures that they put in place to protect there own plants in China be based on science and have the least impact on trade on possible."
Innes continued to say that he understands that there was good dialogue during the meetings, which he hopes will help resolve the issues with China and get back to exporting canola seed to China.
Gary Stordy of the Canadian Pork Council also alluded to recent meetings with Chinese officials.

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