The President Elect of the National Pork Producers Council suggests, rather than improving animal welfare, changes that will come about as a result of California's Proposition 12 will set animal welfare back.
Last week the National Pork Producers Council hosted a roundtable to discuss California's Proposition 12 and update the media on the NPPC-National Farm Bureau Federation's Supreme court challenge of the legislation scheduled to be heard October 11.Scott Hays, a pork producer from Monroe City, Missouri and the President Elect of the NPPC, says, as a fifth-generation farmer, his family considers the California law a step backwards in animal care.
Clip-Scott Hays-National Pork Producers Council:
We've spent well over a century raising pigs on the same farm and I vividly remember conversations with my Dad and Grandpa about pigs and how we can make their life better.It's just known in our family, if the pigs do well we do well.