Harvey says he's hoping the principles serve to bring together international agricultural stakeholders.
"What stands out to me is that is really important that when you discuss sustainable trade that it not become a trade barrier. What we don't want is for sustainable trade to be used as a way to keep Canadian products out of markets the way you see sometimes with other sorts of non-tariff barriers."
"We want to keep the discussion on the positive side of international trade in the Agri-food area, especially just how much international Agri-food trade contributes to sustainability, contributes to fighting climate change, contributes to food security."
These principles would be put towards future discussion with international organizations according to Harvey.
"You'll see these principles guiding our discussions with the World Trade Organization, where there's going to be more and more discussion of sustainable trade in the Agri-food area. Brazil in particular has been pushing the idea that there be a retreat of World Trade Organization members to discuss sustainable trade and agriculture. We really want our principles we want that the Canadian government will pick up on when it's representing Canada at those meetings."
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