Atmospheric CO2 has risen exponentially over the last few decades and is set to continue that way for many years to come. As a result of that, the greenhouse effect will intensify; the global temperature could rise by 3°C, thereby increasing water shortages in many parts of the planet as well.
So cereals will have to withstand longer and worse periods of drought in the future, along with high CO2 levels and temperatures. These conditions harm conventional cereals, such as wheat, and that could jeopardize the access of millions of people worldwide to food.
Unlike the citizens in the tale of Peter and the Wolf, scientists know that climate change is on its way or is already taking place. They do not have an optimistic view in that respect, but they are striving to find remedies for when the "wolf" comes.
In the UPV/EHU's Department of Plant Biology and Ecology, for example, they are exploring "which alternative cereals may be better able to resist these future conditions," said the researcher Xabier Simón.
"In the future the use of many conventional cereals (wheat, corn, etc.) may be reduced to be replaced by cereals better able to thrive under the new conditions. There you have, for example, buckwheat, sorghum, spelt, etc. So it is essential to find out the capacity of these species to withstand situations of severe drought, high temperatures and high CO2 levels."
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