Bekaert is a proud new sponsor of the National FFA Organization, supporting growth in leadership opportunities, communities and agriculture through the National FFA Organization’s Proficiencies, SAE grants and chapter grants.
More specifically, as a two star sponsor ($10,000- $24,999), Bekaert will support the goat production proficiency and be an exhibitor during the 90th National FFA Convention & Expo in Indianapolis.
“We appreciate that Bekaert sees agricultural education and FFA as a critical part of its industry and company success,” said Molly Ball, National FFA Foundation president. “We are thankful for the support of our students and our national convention and expo.”
“Bekaert and FFA share a passion for supporting both youth and our mutual agriculture community. Bekaert, as one of the leading suppliers of “Made in USA” agriculture fencing products, look forward to the start of this partnership that will further express our commitment to the agricultural community and this country’s youth.,” said Dominik Endler, vice president, industrial and specialty products, Bekaert Corporation.