As announced today by the Government of Canada, the interest-free loan limit of the Advance Payments Program (APP) will be maintained at $250,000 for the 2025/26 program year. The APP eases cash flow for farmers, allowing up to $1,000,000 in total advances based on the value of the eligible agricultural products that a farmer produces or has in storage, with up to 18 months to fully repay the advance for most commodities and up to 24 months for cattle and bison.
BFO and the Canadian Cattle Association have been advocating for a permanent increase in the interest-free limit under the APP of at least $250K, with primary emphasis on securing an increase for the 2025-26 program year.
BFO administers the interest-free provision of the APP for the feeder co operatives across the province. To be eligible for the interest-free provision, members will have to complete an APP application form, pay the respective fee and meet the APP criteria. For more information, please contact Barb Caswell, Supervisor of Provincial Programs, by email at