B.C.’s agricultural producers will have access to a new program to improve water management and supply for both crops and livestock according to a release. This program will help to increase production and food security.
“Access to water is crucial for food production and ensuring we have sustainable, resilient local food systems,” said Pam Alexis, Minister of Agriculture and Food. “The Agricultural Water Infrastructure program will help B.C.’s agricultural communities adapt to climate change effects, like the increased threat of drought, and help grow more food by supporting new and improved water storage and water-supply infrastructure.”
The program will help support better water management using new technology. In water-scarce and drought-prone areas, water can be better managed for agricultural uses.
“B.C. farmers and ranchers understand the necessity of water for food production, and they have invested heavily in the infrastructure required to offer that security to their production systems,” said Kevin Boon, rancher and general manager, BC Cattlemen’s Association. “This investment by the government to help them grow and improve this infrastructure is greatly needed and will help to both strengthen our food security and to take meaningful steps in managing our water supply, which is an important tool in climate adaptation with benefits to the province far beyond just food production.”