After holding out hope this year’s AgDays in Brandon could take place organizers have decided there are too many unknowns and decided to cancel the 2022 show.
This is the second year in a row the pandemic has forced show officials to call off the program.
“Our team wanted to put this show on for the agriculture industry. We wanted to see the industry gather together again, reunite, showcase innovation and share knowledge. We were looking forward to hearing the buzz in the building of optimism and gratitude for another crop and the future crop year ahead of us” said General Manager Kristen Phillips.
On December 27th when the Government of Manitoba announced the new public health orders for Manitoba limiting indoor events to 50% capacity to a maximum of 250 people per event the host committee knew they could not move forward with an event that draws 10 - 18,000 people per day to the Keystone Centre. These orders were set to expire on January 11th, 2022 so they announced the postponement of our 2022 show. On January 10th, the government announced that these restrictions would remain in place until February 1st, 2022 further limiting options for a February postponement date.