In a recent press release, the Brazilian Association of Animal Protein (ABPA) expressed its gratitude for the the opening of the Dominican Republic market for pork produced in Brazil, which was announced by minister of agriculture Carlos Fávaro.
According to the Ministry of Agriculture, three Brazilian plants from the states of Acre, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul were immediately authorized to ship products to the Dominican market. It is expected that new establishments from Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and also from Paraná will be enabled after the completion of pending procedures.
"The Dominican Republic is a market with high demand, which has faced severe challenges with the registration of African Swine Fever in its territory, which has reduced local production in recent years. In this sense, thanks to the work carried out by the Ministries of Agriculture and Foreign Affairs, we have positioned Brazil as a partner for the food security of the Dominican population. We hope to see the effects of this partnership soon, with shipments of Brazilian products to this market," said ABPA president Ricardo Santin.