Crops are growing rapidly and questions regarding expected end-of-season yields, soil water, and nitrogen (N) status in the fields become very timely. A group of faculty, researchers, farm managers, and students from Iowa State University have developed a free, publicly available online platform ( to provide answers to these questions. The project is called FACTS (Forecast and Assessment of Cropping sysTemS) and provides real-time information that includes ground-truth measurements and predictions for 20 combinations of crops and management practices for six sites covering major soil and climatic conditions across Iowa (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Locations of the experimental sites where 20 site-crop-management replicated treatments are monitored. Three of the six sites have tile drainage. Blue circles are locations with tile drainage and red circles are locations without tile drainage.
The FACTS project takes a “systems approach” to forecast and evaluate cropping systems performance and has two main goals: 1) to provide real-time information to help farmers make decisions and 2) ground-truth model predictions and improve the science behind predictive tools. The team consists of experts on cropping systems modeling (Archontoulis, Dietzel), soil nitrogen dynamics and water quality (Castellano, Helmers), climatology (Vanloocke, Herzmann), crop production, management and extension (Licht, Archontoulis), statistics, visualization tools and web programming (Vanderplas, ISU Biology IT). The approach to forecasting cropping systems performance includes use of a) mechanistic cropping systems model (APSIM) to simulate crop growth, soil dynamics, and soil-crop-weather interactions; b) actual, historical, and forecasted weather information from NDFD and CFS models; c) frequent soil, crop, weather measurements; and d) advanced statistical and visualization tools to disseminate the information.
The forecast tool within the FACTS platform provides the following real-time information per category: