“4-H Canada will bring together young people from rural and urban regions all over the country to lead projects that benefit their own communities, giving them the opportunity to gain skills and experience for the jobs of today and tomorrow,” said the Honourable Patty Hajdu, Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Labour.
“McDonald’s Canada is thrilled to be partnering with 4-H Canada to bring the Hands to Larger Service program to life. At McDonald’s, we share 4-H Canada’s commitment to empowering Canadian youth, connecting people to their communities, and promoting this country’s rich agricultural heritage. We are proud of this year’s youth leaders and congratulate them on the great work they are doing for their communities,” said John Betts, President and CEO, McDonald’s Canada.
The 24 Youth Service Leaders:
Brandon Callahan, NB
Samuel Cleary, BC
Bryce Doiron, PEI
Brookelyn Felske, AB
Chelsey Fitzsimmons, SK
Kristen Foster, NS
Nicole French, ON
Lauren Gruer, QC
Leah Haan, ON
Amanda Hardman, AB
Emelia Huff, ON
Ella Lentz, NS
Jazmin Lukinuk, MB
Sophie MacDonald, PEI
Kianna McGregor, AB
Sydney Milne, NS
Jessica Norman, AB
Morgan Passmore, QC
Gregory Penner, MB
Joshua Powers, NL
Kylynne Sheffield, NS
Ally Spielmacher, ON
Leah Trenson, AB
Tayler Williams, NL
The Hands to Larger Service Program is funded by the Government of Canada as part of Canada Service Corps and McDonald’s Canada. To learn more about the Hands to Larger Service Program visit http://4-h-canada.ca/handstolargerservice.
Source : 4-H-Canada