Throughout the conference, there were seven tracks that underscored MIFFS’ mission. Over 22 individual sessions, information was provided on generating more income through farming, sustainable production methods, and community building opportunities. Sessions covered various topics, such as Grant Brainstorming & Collaboration, Global Majority (BIPOC) Farmers Gathering, Agritourism: Hosting People on your Farm, and more.
Exploring how to sell to schools
One of the day’s tracks supported farmers who were interested in selling to schools. There were three sessions covering how to sell to school markets, growing food specifically for schools, and a run-down for of resources paired with a discussion with Farmer Devon Wilson of Sunlight Gardens in Battle Creek. Representatives from the Michigan Farm to Institution Network (MFIN), a network committed to supporting strong local and regional food systems, supported these sessions: Mariel Borgman, Kelly McClelland, and Garrett Zeigler of Michigan State University Extension (MSUE) Community Food Systems, and Megan McManus, the Farm to Institution Specialist of MSU Center for Regional Food Systems. Additionally, Wendy Crowley and Cheyenne Liberti with the farm to program team at the Michigan Department of Education helped support the track.
“It’s all about working with the schools to figure out what works best for you both,” McClelland said. “Relationships are really important. Connections with food service directors are key with selling to schools.”
Compared to direct market sales, selling to schools requires a range of special considerations and requirements. Schools typically require a consistent quality and volume for their school menus that not all small farms can accommodate. Although schools can be reliable, long-term customers for farmers, they often have limited budgets with a rigid billing system that suppliers need to adhere to. On the food service director's side, there are other aspects to consider.
“It’s all about balancing what’s seasonally available, what’s easy to prepare, and what kids will eat.” McClelland said. “Some schools only have reheating capacity.”
Due to limited time and space, processing can be a barrier to sourcing and serving local produce in schools. According to Borgman, farmers can prioritize growing items that can easily be used in raw form or that only need light processing.
“Another great way to add value without processing produce is to offer to visit the school and provide tastings to the students,” Borgman said. “This offers a great educational value to the school.”
Educating students about the food they eat is a positive outcome for many farm to institution programs. As one example, 10 Cents a Meal for Michigan’s Kids and Farms is a state funded program that offers matching funds of up to ten cents per meal for schools and other non-school sponsors to use towards locally produced fruits, vegetables, and dry beans. This program incentivizes increased local sourcing and encourages student education related to where their food comes from.
“Michigan is leading in farm to school work,” Cheyenne Liberti, Farm to Program Consultant of the Michigan Department of Education, said. “In the past few years, the USDA has invested a lot in farm to school. In Michigan, we’re lucky to grow so many different products that we’re able to sell to schools that they actually want.”
Through outreach and networking opportunities, MFIN supports farmers looking to connect with institutions, such as schools or hospitals, and institutions who want to connect with local food sources. Additionally, MFIN provides connections to funding opportunities, institution-scaled recipes, and more.
“In Michigan, we have seen tremendous growth in school food purchasing of local foods and this is a big deal for farmers wanting to diversify sales,” McManus said. “In the 2022-2023 school year, 79% of school food service directors reported purchasing local foods in a survey, the highest number reported to date.”
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