By Sam Custer

OSU Extension, Darke County will be hosting the 2017 Soybean College on Tuesday, February 7. This will be a rare opportunity where The Ohio State University will have all of its state specialists working with soybeans at one meeting focusing on soybean production. This workshop will feature Dr. Laura Lindsey, Soybean/Wheat Extension Specialist; Dr. Kelley Tilmon, Field Crop Extension Entomologist; Dr. Mark Loux, Research and Extension Weed Science; Greg Labarge, Agronomic Systems Field Specialist; Dr. John Fulton, Precision Agriculture Engineer; and Dr. Anne Dorrance, Field Crop Extension Pathologist.
It will be held at the Andersons Marathon Ethanol, 5728 Sebring Warner Road, Greenville, Ohio. The meeting will run 8 am until 4 pm with a continental breakfast and lunch provided.
Workshop sponsors include the Ohio Soybean Council, Seed Consultants, Crop Production Services and Otte Ag.
What we’ll cover:
• Market Outlook –Chad Strobel, The Anderson’s
• Can You Budget a Profitable Soybean Crop – Sam Custer
• Agronomic Practices that Optimize Profitability in Soybean Production-
Perception vs. Reality – Dr. Laura Lindsey
• Waterhemp and other Resistant Weeds in Darke County – Mark Loux
• Nutrient Management for Soybeans and How do Cover Crops Fit in all of this? – Greg LaBarge
• Darke County On-Farm Research Results - Sam Custer
• Insect Pressure on Today’s Genetics and Future Control – Dr. Kelley Tilmon
• Diseases We See and Predict to Deal With in the Future – Dr. Anne Dorrance
• Decision Making with High Resolution Crop Imagery – Dr. John Fulton
In addition to the great presentations throughout the day, participants will receive a soybean college notebook. The notebook will include the notes from all presentations from the day and the following publications: Control of Insect Pests of Field Crops; Corn, Soybean, Wheat and Alfalfa Field Guide; and Profitable Soybean Disease Management in Ohio.