2016 Gardening Calendar Available

Jan 04, 2016

By Rhonda J. Ferree

My 2016 Garden Calendar is now available. It provides garden tips, a calendar of events, and a picture each month spotlighting Master Gardener (MG) projects. Here is a preview.

January displays MGs providing information on pollinators at a Peoria Riverfront Museum event. A tip suggests that we feed and water birds regularly.

February shows Mason County MGs working with Trees Forever to plant trees at Havana's Riverfront Park. It is also a good time to prune landscape plants, except early spring bloomers.

March features the Peoria MGs providing gardening information at the Peoria Home Show, which is February 26-28, 2016. Begin watching for the blooms of early spring bulbs!

April is Gardeners' Big Day month, which is April 30th at Spoon River College. Keep trimming, repotting, and fertilizing houseplants and overwintering topical plants.

May shows MGs planting 48 large flower pots for Pekin Main Street. Finish seeding your lawn and fertilize it on Mother's Day.

June brings Farmers Markets where MGs often have garden information booths, including Peoria's Riverfront market. Plant pumpkin seeds early in the month to be ready for Halloween.

July pictures MGs judging flowers at the Tazewell County 4-H Show & Junior Fair. Fertilize container plants every two weeks.

August portrays the Fulton County MGs in their Youth Garden project at the Canton YMCA. Turn the compost pile and keep it moist.

September features Junior MG and Cloverbud flower and vegetable gardens at the Mason County Fairgrounds. Add fall color to the landscape with blooming, flowering kale, and pansies.

October shows the 2015 MG state award winners from Fulton, Mason, Peoria, and Tazewell counties. Begin potting spring flowering bulbs now to force into bloom indoors.

November showcases Mason and Fulton MGs learning from each other during a daylily farm tour. It is also the time to prepare garden tools for the next gardening year.

December presents MGs and Master Naturalists helping plant trees as part of Washington's tornado recovery efforts. Enjoy a cup of tea made with dried herbs from your garden as you plan the next year's garden.


Source: illinois.edu